A directional correlation measurement has been performed on the 250-kev vs (751+795)-kev composite cascade in U234 following the 24-day beta decay of Th234 and the subsequent one-minute beta decay of Pa234. The "770"-kev (751+795 kev) composite photopeak spectrum coincident with the 250-kev gamma ray was displayed on a multichannel pulse-height analyzer for different positions of the scintillation counters. From these spectra the directional correlations between the 250-kev gamma ray and the lower and upper sides of the 770-kev composite line were measured. The results together with other measurements are consistent with assignments of multipolarity E1 to the 250-, 751-, and 795-kev gamma rays and spin and parity assignments 0+-1-2+ and 0+-1-0+ to the levels involved in the 250-751 kev and 250-795 kev gamma-gamma cascades, respectively. Thus new levels are proposed at 795 and 1046 kev with spin and parity 1 and 0+, respectively.