Origin, training, and subsequent practice location of Scotland's General and Community dentists

In view of the continuing concern, in the United Kingdom (UK) and many other countries, over the maldistribution of dental manpower and the far‐reaching plans now being contemplated to correct existing imbalances, it was felt to be necessary to document the current situation in Scotland. This study set out to identify the origins, place of training, and subsequent practice locations of Scotland's General and Community dentists. A questionnaire was sent to a list of all General Dental Practitioners (GDPs) and Clinical Community Dental Officers (CCDOs) in Scotland. The final response rate was 72%. 85% of respondents had received the majority of their secondary school education in Scotland, and a total of 92.5% of respondents had received their undergraduate dental training at one of the three Scottish dental schools. Factors elicited as being associated with practice location choice included school of dental training, location of a dentist's original home and relatives, and, to some extent, market forces in terms of “demand for dentists” in some areas in Scotland.