A diary form quality of life questionnaire for Japanese patients with lung cancer and summarization techniques for longitudinal assessment

The aim of this study was to confirm the validity and reliability of a new diary‐type quality of life (QOL) self‐rating questionnaire tailored for use by Japanese inpatients with lung cancer receiving chemotherapy. Two kinds of summary statistics were tested in QOL analysis. The questionnaire has a four‐scale structure; physical, psychological, daily activity and global scales. Fifty‐three patients were enrolled to test the reliability and validity. Summary statistics were assessed using indices of the area under the curve (AUC) and the maximum fluctuations of QOL scores (Dif max) in patients receiving cisplatin or carboplatin. The questionnaire had satisfactory reliability and validity. The physical, psychological and global scales scores changed to the worst levels after treatment, continuing for 1 week in the cisplatin group, whereas those of the carboplatin group began to worsen from day 3, but returned to pre‐ chemotherapy levels by day 9. The cisplatin group showed significant decrease of QOL compared with the carboplatin group in the AUC of psychological and two global scales, in the Dif max of psychological and linear analogue global scales. These results suggested that this questionnaire reflects differences in the influence of chemotherapy, and that AUC and Dif max may be useful indices for the analysis of QOL as measures to assess multidimensional QOL.