Fertile somatic hybrids between transgenicNicotiana tabacum and transgenicN. debneyi selected by dual-antibiotic resistance

A simple, yet effective selection system was used to produce fertile somatic hybrids betweenNicotiana tabacum andN. debneyi. This approach utilized transgenic antibiotic-resistantN. tabacum andN. Debneyi as donor plants for mesophyll protoplast fusions. Thirteen somatic hybrid plants were regenerated from calli capable of growth on medium containing both antibiotics. The majority of the hybrids displayed a range of leaf and floral morphologies and growth habits that were intermediate to those of the parental species, and had chromosome numbers varying from amphidiploid (2n = 96) to hypoaneuploid (2n = 60). Isoenzyme and RFLP analysis demonstrated the presence and expression of nuclear genes from both parents in all of the hybrids. Most plants are fully fertile. Thus, these plants differ from the malesterile tobacco ‘cybrids’ and alloplasmic lines produced by transferring theN. debneyi cytoplasm to tobacco. A nonrandom pattern of cytoplasmic segregation in the fusion products occurred with a bias towards the presence ofN. debneyi cp and mtDNA. Evidence for the presence of rearranged or recombinant cp and mtDNA in some of the hybrids was obtained. The somatic hybrids were successfully backcrossed to theN. tabacum parent and are now being tested for immunity to black root rot, a trait specific toN. debneyi, but not existent in theN. tabacum parental line.