Several components of buffer extracts of Prunus avium L. styles (cv. Lambert, S 3 S 4) have been isolated and partially characterized: the major component is a glycoprotein (molecular weight approx. 90,000; 95% protein, 5.4% carbohydrate). A “sticky” uronic-acid-containing component and an arabinogalactan are also present. Two minor components are an antigenic glycoprotein associated with the self-incompatibility genotype (Antigen S) and a component found in styles of all Prunus species (Antigen P). The isolated glycoproteins have a substantial carbohydrate content (Antigen P 17.2%; Antigen S 16.3%), and have apparent molecular weights of 32,000 (Antigen P) and 37,000–39,000 (Antigen S). They are antigenically quite distinct. Material corresponding to Antigen S is secreted into the medium of suspension-cultured callus cells raised from both leaf and stem of P. avium.