Specific Heat of Superconducting Transition Metals Containing Nonmagnetic Impurities at Low Temperatures

Green's-function theory is used for the calculation of the specific heat of superconducting transition metals containing nonmagnetic impurities at low temperatures, T0. It is found that in this temperature region, the s-band specific heat is lowered by the presence of the nonmagnetic impurities. The logarithm of the s-band specific heat obeys the following relation: lnCs=lnCs(0)ΓkBT for T0, where Cs(0) is the s-band specific heat for a pure two-band superconductor, and Γ is proportional to the density of impurities, the density of states at the d-band Fermi surface, and the strength of the interband impurity scattering. This relation agrees very well with the low-temperature experimental data of Shen, Senozan, and Phillips.