Emission ofBe7and Competition Processes at 30 to 42 MeV

A study has been made of cross sections for the reactions Al27(p, Be7) at 30 to 39 MeV; V51(p, Be7) at 33 to 39 MeV; V51 (He4, Be7) and V51 (He, He4 He3) at 40 MeV; Co59 (He4, Be7) and Co59 (He4, He4 He3) at 36 to 41 MeV and Ni (He4, Be7) at 33 to 41 MeV. The cross sections for the competing modes of Be7 and He4+He3 emission are found to be of the same order of magnitude in V51 at bombarding energies where these modes alone can compete in the emission of 7 amu. Significantly different results were obtained with the Co59 target where He4+He3 emission is favored by a factor of 6 or 7 over Be7 emission. He-ion- and proton-induced reactions leading to the same compound nucleus with subsequent emission of Be7 show that the (He4, Be7) reaction has a somewhat higher cross section at equivalent excitations of the compound nuclei. Cross sections for other He-ion-induced reactions with V51 and Co59 involving multicluster alpha emission are reported.