Experiments on the uv photoabsorption of Xe have determined level positions, line intensities, Landé g factors, intensity profiles in the auto-ionization region, and the branching ratio of photoelectron groups. This paper expresses all these data in terms of a single set of theoretical parameters which pertain to collisions of the e+Xe+ system with J=1 and characterize the five close-coupling eigenchannels of this system. Values of the parameters, obtained by fitting the experimental data, provide (1) values of the zero-energy scattering eigenphases, (2) evidence that the orbital angular momentum of the free electron (l=0 or 2) is a good quantum number to within ∼ 2%, and (3) evidence that the LS coupling classification of the e+Xe+ complex holds approximately, but only for l=2. The whole analysis correlated diverse experimental data into a unified pattern and can be extended to other values of J and l to other rare gases and to spectra of other elements.