The Wedemeyer model describing the spin-up of a fluid in a rotating cylinder is generalized to include the case of spin-down. Attention is focused on spin-up and spin-down at a finite (constant) acceleration for small Ekman numbers En. It is found that when the full nonlinear Ekman suction is included for spin-up from rest, the characteristics near the propagating wave front intersect, thus yielding an O(1) velocity discontinuity for the inviscid model. This anomalous behaviour is limited to only a small range of Rossby numbers and does not appear in any of the spin-down solutions. Transient spin-down velocity profiles in the O(E1/4Ω) shear layer at the cylindrical wall are calculated for the quasi-steady flow which occurs for sufficiently small decelerations. Results for impulsive spin-up and spin-down between infinite parallel plates are presented and compared with the asymptotic solutions given by Greenspan & Weinbaum and Benton. Finally, characteristic spin-up and spin-down times are computed for both the contained cylinder and the infinite-parallel-plates geometry.

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