Differential Anesthetic Depression of Chronotropic Baroreflexes in Rats

To assess anesthetic alteration of chronotropic baroreflexes, arterial pressure and heart rate (HR) were monitored continuously during intravenous (i.v.) in-fusions of phenylephrine or sodium nitroprusside in rats that were either awake or anesthetized (with pentobarbital, urethane, or cholralose). Ensuing reflex HR responses during each drug infusion were determined in two ways: (a) at 10-s intervals (time analysis), and (b) with every 5-mm Hg change in pressure (pressure analysis). Results were less variable with pressure than with time analysis. With responses from awake rats as a basis for comparison, pressure analysis showed that pentobarbital greatly attenuated both reflex tachycardia and bradycardia, whereas urethane and chloralose reduced only reflex tachycardia. Depression by pentobarbital of both reflex tachycardia and bradycardia suggests severe attenuation of both sympathetic and parasympathetic tone. In contrast, preferential alteration of reflex tachycardia by chloralose and urethane implies a greater attenuation of sympathetic than parasympathetic tone.