Auxin-Kinetin Interaction in Tissue Cultures of Nicotiana Species & Tumor-Conditioned Hybrids

Tissue cultures of Nicotiana langsdorffii require both auxin and kinetin for active growth. Growth of N. suaveolens tissue is greatly enhanced by kinetin but shows some inhibition at higher auxin levels. The tumor-forming hybrid N. suaveolens-langsdorffii gives little growth response to either auxin or kinetin. Tissues from the tumor-forming hybrid amphiploid N. glauca-langsdorfii and its nontumor-forming mutant show a hormonal growth response which is essentially the same, respectively, as the tumor-forming amphiploid hybrid N. suaveolens-langsdorffii and its nontumor-forming parental species. The results suggest that growth-factor systems activated in the genetic tumor system are very similar to those activated in crown-gall cells.