The Fine Structure and Taxonomy of Platychrysis Pigra Geitler (Haptophyceae)

The type species of Platychrysis, P. pigra, was described by Geitler in 1930 from a sample taken at Las Palmas in the Canary Islands (Geitler, 1930). It was later recorded by Carter in 1937 from a brackish pool at Bembridge, Isle of Wight, and a more complete description of the species was given, including a description of the motile cells (Carter, 1937). A taxonomic comparison of the three genera Prymnesium J. Massart, Chrysochromulina Lackey and Platychrysis Geitler was published by Conrad (1941), whose Belgian records for the species (Lilloo) were subsequently published in 1954 (Conrad & Kufferath, 1954). In 1967, Norris (Norris, 1967) described a new species, P. neustophila, recorded from Puerto Peñasco (Mexico), but this species needs further investigation since the account is somewhat incomplete.

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