Measurement of the B0B0 oscillation frequency using lD*+ pairs and lepton flavor tags

The oscillation frequency Δmd of B0B0 mixing is measured using the partially reconstructed semileptonic decay B0lν¯D*+X. The data sample was collected with the CDF detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider during 1992–1995 by triggering on the existence of two lepton candidates in an event, and corresponds to about 110 pb1 of p¯p collisions at s=1.8 TeV. We estimate the proper decay time of the B0 meson from the measured decay length and reconstructed momentum of the lD*+ system. The charge of the lepton in the final state identifies the flavor of the B0 meson at its decay. The second lepton in the event is used to infer the flavor of the B0 meson at production. We measure the oscillation frequency to be Δmd=0.516±0.0990.035+0.029 ps1, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic.