Noninvasive Recordings of Cochlear Evoked Potentials in Meniere's Disease

• Noninvasive meatal electrocochleography simultaneously recorded with brain stem auditory evoked potentials were performed on 24 adult patients with unilateral Meniere's disease. Data from the affected ear were compared with those of the nonaffected ear and with those of ten healthy normally hearing adults. The most striking finding was the significant deviation from the norm of the nonaffected ears' action potential duration. The combination of simultaneously recorded surface meatal electrocochleography and brain stem auditory evoked potentials complement the diagnostic battery of Meniere's disease in ruling out retrocochlear involvement, indicating cochlear involvement of the affected ear, and revealing subclinical changes in the contralateral ears. (Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1986;112:827-829)