Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Protons in Uranium Hydride

βUH3 is known to be ferromagnetic below 180 °K. The spin-lattice relaxation time T1 of the protons in the paramagnetic state has been measured in the temperature range 189-700 °K. At low temperatures close to the ferromagnetic transition, there is a steep rise in T1 with temperature. At high temperatures, around 613 °K, there is a local minimum in T1. It is shown that there are three mechanisms contributing to the relaxation rate: (a) time-dependent nuclear dipole-dipole interaction caused by hydrogen diffusion; (b) contact interaction between the conduction electrons and the protons, causing Korringa relaxation; and (c) Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction between the protons and the localized f electrons via the conduction electrons; the relaxation caused by this interaction was found to fit Fradin's model. Separation of the three contributions from each other is achieved using their different temperature dependence. Measurement of the spin echo T2 yields the value Ea=19.25 kcal/mole for the activation energy of hydrogen diffusion. The Korringa contribution is 1T1KT=0.135±0.021 sec °K11. The paramagnetic part is 1T1fT=(101±3)(TΘ) sec1 °K. Using Fradin's model we get for the density of states of the s-type conduction electrons at the Fermi level, N(EF)=1.65 states/eV. The coupling constant for the contact interaction is Δ=5.6×107 eV. The exchange constant between the localized 5f electrons and the s-type conduction electrons is Γ=0.18 eV. The Knight factor is ξ=0.12. If one assumes a spherical Fermi surface and a free-electron behavior in the RKKY interaction, then the degree of ionicity of the uranium ion is shown to be U+3.