Studies On the Fate of Carbohydrates in the Rumen of the Sheep

1. Glucose, fructose and cane sugar undergo rapid fermentation in the rumen of the sheep and pass through the stage of lactic acid to volatile lower fatty acids. Maltose, lactose and galactose are fermented less rapidly and lactic acid, if it is a stage in the fermentation, does not accumulate in the ingesta. Starch and cellulose are fermented slowly and the production of volatile acids is prolonged. 2. The rapid disappearance of glucose from the rumen cannot be accounted for by passage to the abomasum. 3. Lactic acid is not stable in the rumen; when it is present in quantity, some appears in the abomasum. 4. Volatile acids are stable in the ingesta of the rumen; they do not pass to the abomasum in any quantity and appear to be absorbed in the rumen or omasum. 5. The progress of digestion of carbohydrates in the stomach of the sheep is discussed.