Pseudocarcinomatous Hyperplasia of the Fallopian Tube Associated with Salpingitis

We describe 14 cases of pseudocarcinomatous changes inthe fallopian tube characterized by florid epithelial hyperplasiaand in half the case mesothelial hyperplasia andassociated with chronic salpingitis. The patients' agesranged from 17 to 40 years. Seven had clinical evidence ofpelvic inflammatory disease. Tubal enlargement or thickeningwere observed in 12 cases and pyosalpinx, tuboovarianabscesses, or hydrosalpinx, in six cases. Allcases showed no gross evidence of tumor. The reactiveatypical hyperplasia mimicked carcinoma microscopicallybecause of a cribriform pattern, penetration of thetubal wall by hyperplastic epithelium, florid mesothelialhyperplasia, or a combination of these findings; epithelialpapillae were present in the lymphatics in two cases. Infive cases, an erroneous microscopic diagnosis of carcinomahad been made or seriously entertained initially, and one patient underwent a radical hysterectomy as aresult. The typically young age of the patients, absence ofa gross tumor, presence of severe chronic inflammation.lack of solid epithelial proliferation, mildness of nuclearatypia, and paucity of mitotic figures facilitated the differentialdiagnosis. Nine patients for whom follow-up informationwas available had no recurrence of tubal disease.

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