Volume Corrected Mitotic Index (M/V Index) in Human Bladder Cancer; Relation To Histological Grade (Who), Clinical Stage (Uicc) and Prognosis

A retrospective study was performed on 83 bladder cancer patients diagnosed at the Department of Surgery, Kuopio University Central Hospital, during the years 1965–1987. The follow-up time was 22 years, and the mean follow-up time of individual patients was 13 years (range 9.4–22 years). Histological grade (WHO), volume corrected mitotic index (M/V index) and clinical stage (UICC) were correlated to the survival of patients. Histological grade, M/V index and clinical stage were associated with crude survival (all causes of death included) with little predictive power. The recurrence of the disease could be predicted by the M/V index, but not by histological grade or clinical stage. When bladder cancer deaths only were included, histological grade (x2 = 26.6, p2 = 6.6, p = 0.042) and clinical stage (x2 = 31.7, px2 = 16.7, p = 0.002, r = 0.47). In multivariate analysis clinical stage, histological grade and M/V index predicted prognosis in the order of importance.