Cutting Edge: STAT Activation By IL-19, IL-20 and mda-7 Through IL-20 Receptor Complexes of Two Types

IL-10-related cytokines include IL-20 and IL-22, which induce, respectively, keratinocyte proliferation and acute phase production by hepatocytes, as well as IL-19, melanoma differentiation-associated gene 7, and AK155, three cytokines for which no activity nor receptor complex has been described thus far. Here, we show that mda-7 and IL-19 bind to the previously described IL-20R complex, composed by cytokine receptor family 2–8/IL-20Rα and DIRS1/IL-20Rβ (type I IL-20R). In addition, mda-7 and IL-20, but not IL-19, bind to another receptor complex, composed by IL-22R and DIRS1/IL20Rβ (type II IL-20R). In both cases, binding of the ligands results in STAT3 phosphorylation and activation of a minimal promoter including STAT-binding sites. Taken together, these results demonstrate that: 1) IL-20 induces STAT activation through IL-20R complexes of two types; 2) mda-7 and IL-20 redundantly signal through both complexes; and 3) IL-19 signals only through the type I IL-20R complex.