Phenomenological Six-Pion Amplitude

To test the multiparticle, zero-width bootstrap, we have constructed a six-pion amplitude by modifying the general chiral pion amplitudes of Neveu, Schwarz, and Thorn. We show that imposing the chiral constraints to the six-pion dual amplitude does not fix the mass of the ω. The masses and widths of the low-mass resonances (e.g., ρ, ω, f, A2, g, A1, H, σ, and π) are given in terms of two masses (mπ and mω), one coupling (g2Γρ), and a universal trajectory slope (α). We estimate Γ(ω3π)=6 MeV, Γ(A1ρπ)=154 MeV, and Γ(A2ρπ)=7.5 MeV. Further phenomenological investigations are recommended.