Low-noise InGaAs HEMT using the new off-set recess gate process

A low-noise InGaAs HEMT (High electron mobility transistor) with a noise figure of 0.68 dB at 12 GHz has been developed using the offset recess gate process. The pseudomorphic n-AlGaAs/InGaAs HEMT structure was grown on a semi-insulating GaAs substrate by molecular-beam epitaxy. The offset recess gate process makes it possible to decrease the source and gate resistance. The breakdown voltage between gate and drain were above 6 V. A G/sub m/ of 510 mS/mm at minimum noise bias point was obtained in a 0.2- mu m-gate InGaAs HEMT. The minimum noise figure and associated gain of the device are 0.68 dB and 10.4 dB at V/sub ds/=2V, I/sub ds/=16 mA, and f=12 GHz, respectively. A three-stage amplifier using the new HEMT at the head has shown a minimum noise figure of 1.2 dB and a maximum gain of 31 dB.<>