Predictive Ansatz for Fermion Masses in SUSY GUTS

We reexamine a succesful fermion mass Ansatz proposed by Giudice for a wide range of the ratio $tan\beta =\frac {<\bar h>}{}$ (where ${\bar h},h$ are the two standard higgs fields), in the context of supersymmetric grand unified theories. We find that the 7 predictions of the ansatz, $V_{us}, V_{cb}, V_{ub}, m_u, m_d, m_s$ and $m_b$ are in good agreement with the experiment when either {\it i) } $tan\beta \simeq 1$ or {\it ii)} $tan\beta \geq 30$. A correct prediction for the bottom mass gives a lower limit on $m_t\geq 125$ for case {\it (i)}, in agreement with the previous analysis, while in case {\it (ii)} $m_t\geq 145$.

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