40-Gb/s-class InP HEMT ICs for very-high-speed optical communications

Future very-high-volume optical communication systems will require several-dozen-Gb/s ICs. The InP HEMT is one of the best candidates for these ICs due to its inherent millimeter-wave performance. This paper describes 40-Gb/s-class analog InP HEMT ICs that have been used with new design techniques to build high-speed optical receivers. Four kinds of ICs are covered: a preamplifier, a baseband amplifier, a limiting amplifier, and a Gilbert cell. Even in this early development stage, all ICs show promising performances that are superior or compatible to the best-ever reported results Author(s) Imai, Y. NTT LSI Labs., Kanagawa, Japan Nakamura, M. ; Kimura, S. ; Umeda, Y. ; Enoki, T.

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