On the Prevalence of Homosexuality and Bisexuality, in a Random Community Survey of 750 Men Aged 18 to 27

A stratified random sample of 750 males aged 18 to 27 in Calgary, Canada included questions on sexual activity and orientation. A computerized response format (established as a good method for eliciting sensitive personal data) ensured anonymity. Three measures of homosexuality were employed: (1) voluntary, same-gender sexual contact from age 12 to 27: 14.0%; (2) overlapping homosexual (5.9%) and/or bisexual (6.1%) self-identification: 11.1%; and (3) exclusive (4.3%) and non-exclusive (4.9%) same-gender sexual relationships in past 6 months: 9.2%. On the basis of one or more of the three often overlapping measures, 15.3% of males reported being homosexual to some degree. CES-D depression scores did not differ significantly for sexually active homosexual (mean 14.6), bisexual (mean 15.7), and heterosexual (mean 13.7) males. The elevated depression scores for celibate homosexual (mean 27.1) and heterosexual (mean 23.6) males permit various interpretations, but are not supportive of beliefs and related institutional policies recommending or requiring that young adult homosexual males be celibate.