Development of ectomycorrhizae following inoculation of containerized Sitka and white spruce seedlings

Containerized Sitka (Piceasitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) and white spruce (P. glauca (Moench) Voss) were inoculated at sowing with mycelial cultures of ectomycorrhizal fungi. The seedlings were grown in 66-cm3 cells for 6 months. Sitka spruce inoculated at Corvallis, OR, with Hebelomacrustuliniforme (Bull, ex St. Amans) Quél, Amanitamuscaria (L. ex Fr.) Pers. ex Hooker, or Laccarialaccata (Scop, ex Fr.) Berk and Br. had, respectively, 94, 92, and 99% of their short roots mycorrhizal. Seedlings colonized by A. muscaria were similar in size to uninoculated controls; those colonized by H. crustuliniforme or L. laccata were significantly smaller. Tricholomapessundatum (Fr.) Quél, sparsely colonized 10–25% of the Sitka spruce inoculated at Corvallis. At Petersburg, AK, 93% of the Sitka spruce inoculated with H. crustuliniforme were colonized with 69% of their short roots forming mycorrhizae. Colonized seedlings were similar in size to controls, except for a significantly greater (P < 0.05) shoot/root ratio and foliar concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus. Sitka spruce colonized at Petersburg by Cenococcumgeophilum Fr. and maintained at the standard nursery fertilization rate had significantly fewer short roots mycorrhizal (23%) than seedlings maintained at half the standard fertilization rate (44%). White spruce were successfully colonized by C. geophilum and H. crustuliniforme. Pisolithustinctorius (Pers.) Coker and Couch failed to form mycorrhizae on either spruce.

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