Patterned Polymer Films

Polymer films that contain well-defined patterns can be used in a variety of novel applications. For example such films can serve as the scaffolding in fabricating organic/inorganic composites with controlled architectures. One means of forming patterned films is to anchor the ends of homopolymers onto a substrate (so that the ends are fixed and cannot move) and immerse the system in a poor solvent. The incompatibility between the polymer and solvent drives the system to phase-separate. Since the ends are immobilized however, the polymers can only escape the unfavorable solvent by clustering with neighboring chain s into distinct aggregates or “pinned micelles.” These micelles have a uniform size and spacing, and form a regular array on the surface. In this article, we use theoretical models to extend this concept and show that, by tethering copolymers—chains that contain more than one type of monomer—we can drive the system to form more complicated surface patterns. These copolymer patterns provide a handle for engineering the interaction between surfaces and thus facilitate the fabrication of novel optical devices. If the copolymer films are composed of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains, the surface can also be used as a template for growing biological cells with tailored shapes and sizes.