The dynamic Jahn-Teller effect, induced in a localized center by light absorption and due to a singlet-multiplet electronic transition, is studied in the strong-interaction limit (SIL) of the electron-phonon interaction. The absorption line shape R(ω) is examined in the framework of the linear-response theory and the role of the host crystal in fading the correlations among the phonons associated to the electronic excitation is taken into account. R(ω) is deduced by using the Feynman-paths method and the most significant contribution from each path, when working in the SIL, is identified. It is shown that the so-called semiclassical model (SCM) corresponds to considering only the Markovian many-phonon processes in the motion of the crystal phonons coupled to the Jahn-Teller excited electron. It is also shown why a refined version of the SCM leads to an effective Hamiltonian, where the adiabatic potential energy is related only to a few interaction modes and effective frequencies. In particular, the interaction modes are found to be stochastic, and not dynamical, variables. A correction to the well-known SCM Toyozawa-Inoue expression is found and discussed. Finally, the phonon quantum effects on R(ω) in the SIL and beyond the SCM are introduced and commented on.