Trapped modes in two-dimensional waveguides

A two-dimensional acoustical waveguide described by two infinite parallel lines a distance 2d apart has a circle of radius a < d positioned symmetrically between them. The potential satisfies the two-dimensional Helmholtz equation in the fluid region between the circle and the lines, and the normal gradient of the potential vanishes on both. For motions which are antisymmetric about the centreline of the guide there exists a cutoff frequency below which no propagation down the guide is possible. It is proved that for a circle of sufficiently small radius there exists a trapped mode, having a frequency close to the cutoff frequency, which is antisymmetric about the centreline of the guide and symmetric about a line through the centre of the circle perpendicular to the centreline. The method used is due to Ursell (1951) who established the existence of a trapped surface wave mode in the vicinity of a long totally submerged horizontal circular cylinder of small radius in deep water. Numerical computations in the present work reveal that a single trapped mode appears to exist for all values of a ≤ d and not just when the circle is small. The present method, when used to attempt to construct a solution antisymmetric about both the centreline and a line perpendicular to it through the centre of the circle does not lead to a trapped mode. The trapped modes can equally well be regarded as surface-wave modes, as in an infinitely long tank of water with a free surface, into which has been placed symmetrically, a vertical rigid circular cylinder extending throughout the depth. Numerical evidence for the existence of such trapped modes when the cylinder is of rectangular cross-section was presented in Evans & Linton (1991).