Prolonged isoelectric focusing (IEF) of human saliva in narrow pH range polyacrylamide gels (pH 5–7) gave evidence for the existence of a new allele in the amylase1(AMY1) system. It has tentatively been designated AMY15and, inherited in an autosomal codominant way, as the variant phenotype AMY15–1, was observed in four individuals of a Yugoslavian family through three generations. The isoelectric point (pI) of the AMY15gene product is intermediate to AMY11 and AMY12. The allele frequencies of AMY1in 170 healthy, unrelated individuals from Hesse, Germany, were determined as follows: AMY11= 0.909, AMY12= 0.070, and AMY13= 0.021. With a single exclusion chance of 8.0 % for non‐fathers, AMY1might become a useful genetic marker in cases of disputed paternity as well as for “gene mapping” the fine structure of chromosome 1 in man.