D^0 - D^0-bar Oscillations as a Probe of Quark-Hadron Duality

It is usually argued that the Standard Model predicts slow D^0-\bar D^0 oscillations with \Delta M_D, \Delta \Gamma_D < 10^{-3}*\Gamma_D$ and that New Physics can reveal itself through \Delta M_D exceeding 10^{-3}*\Gamma_D. It is believed that the bulk of the effect is due to long distance dynamics that cannot be described at the quark level. We point out that in general the OPE yields soft GIM suppression scaling only like (m_s/\mu_{hadr})^2 and even like m_s/\mu_{hadr} rather than m_s^4/m_c^4 of the simple quark box diagram. Such contributions can actually yield \Delta M_D, \Delta \Gamma_D \sim O(10^{-3})*\Gamma_D without invoking additional long distance effects. They are reasonably suppressed as long as the OPE and local duality are qualitatively applicable in the 1/m_c expansion. We stress the importance of improving the sensitivity on \Delta \Gamma_D as well as \Delta M_D in a dedicated fashion as a laboratory for analyzing the onset of quark-hadron duality and comment on the recent preliminary study on \Delta \Gamma_D by the FOCUS group.

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