Structures of RNA-binding proteins.

1. INTRODUCTION 195 2. THE PROTEIN SYNTHESIS SYSTEM 199 2.1 Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases 199 2.1.1 Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase 202 2.1.2 Glutamyl-tRNA synthetase 206 2.1.3 Tyrosyl- and tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetases 207 2.1.4 Methionyl-tRNA synthetase 208 2.1.5 Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase 208 2.1.6 Lysyl-tRNA synthetase 209 2.1.7 Seryl-tRNA synthetase 210 2.1.8 Glycyl- and histidyl-tRNA synthetases 210 2.1.9 Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase 211 2.2 Ribosomal proteins 211 2.2.1 L7/L12 212 2.2.2 L30 214 2.2.3 S5 215 2.2.4 S17 215 2.2.5 L6 215 2.2.6 L9 216 2.2.7 S6 217 2.2.8 L1 217 2.2.9 L14 217 2.2.10 S8 217 2.3 Elongation factors 218 2.3.1 EF-Tu 218 2.3.2 EF-G 219 3. SPLICEOSOMAL PROTEINS 221 3.1 U1 snRNP protein A 222 4. PROTEINS FROM RNA VIRUSES 223 4.1 Viral enzymes and regulatory proteins 224 4.1.1 Reverse transcriptase 224 4.1.2 Tat 224 4.1.3 Rev 225 4.2 Viral capsid proteins 225 4.2.1 Tobacco Mosaic Virus 226 4.2.2 Satellite Tobacco Mosaic Virus 226 4.2.3 Bean-Pod Mottled Virus 226 4.2.4 Black Beetle Virus and Flock House Virus 228 4.2.5 Bacteriophage MS2 228 5. OTHER RNA-BINDING PROTEINS 230 5.1 tRNA-guanine transglycosylase 230 5.2 Major cold-shock protein 230 5.3 Rop 231 5.4 Ricin 231 6. CONCLUSION 232 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 233

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