Studies on canine babesiosis in Okinawa Island.

In 53 mongrel dogs transferred from the Okinawa animal control center to the laboratory, Babesia organisms were detected by splenectomy and dexamethasone administration. As a result, 11 strains of Babesia organisms were detected in 10 dogs, 7 strains were large and resembled B. canis, and 4 were small resembling B. gibsoni. The blood drawn from the dog most heavily infected with the large parasites was inoculated into 3 healthy mongrel dogs and the heaviest parasitemia drawn from these 3 dogs was prepared in liquid N. This prepared blood was inoculated into a beagle designated C-11. In turn its blood, once confirmed to be infected, was inoculated into beagle C-12. Infected blood drawn from C-12 was passaged to a 3rd beagle designated as C-13. C-12 was subsequently inoculated with B. gibsoni after the large parasites had disappeared from its peripheral blood. Serial examinations were continued until the dog''s death. Indirect fluorescent antibody testing was done on the sera of the inoculated beagles both prior to inoculation and after the appearance of parasites in the peripheral blood. Large parasites in sera from C-11 and blood smears in were identified as B. canis.

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