The effects of short chemical fallows after ryegrass pasture on rhizoctonia bare patch and root rot ofwheat were studied in 2 experiments at the Esperance Downs Research Station, 35 km north of Esperance, W.A. In 1 experiment the subterranean-clover dominant pasture was sprayed with a paraquat-diquat mixture prior to resowing with annual ryegrass at densities ranging from 3 to about 400 plants m-2. The ryegrass was allowed to grow for either 42 or 63 days prior to treatment with a desiccant herbicide (paraquat-diquat) followed by a short chemical fallow of 26 or 5 days, respectively, before sowing with wheat using minimum tillage. Some treatments were cultivated twice to 10 cm. Neither the ryegrass density nor the length of chemical fallow had any effect (P=0.05) on rhizoctonia bare patch score or incidence or severity of root rot. However, cultivation caused 76% reduction in mean patch score and a 38 and 68% reduction in mean rhizoctonia incidence and severity respectively. Yield was negatively correlated with rhizoctonia incidence and severity: each 1% increase in incidence percentage resulted in 17 kg ha-1 reduction in grain yield of wheat. In another experiment, chemical fallow periods of 66, 52, 24 or 1 day prior to sowing wheat had no effect (P= 0.05) on rhizoctonia root rot incidence.