We have tested the response of 28 subjects to a three-stage ergometer test, with loads adjusted to 45, 60, and 75% of maximum aerobic power following ozone exposure. The subjects were exposed to one of 0.37, 0.50, or 0.75 ppm O3 for 2 h either at rest (R) or while exercising intermittently (IE) (15 min rest alternated with 15 min exercise at approximately 50 W. sufficient to increase VE by a factor of 2.5). Also, all subjects completed a mock exposure VE, respiratory frequency (fR), mixed expired PO2 and PCO2, and electrocardiogram were monitored continuously during the exercise test. Neither submaximal exercise oxygen consumption nor minute ventilation was significantly altered following any level of ozone exposure. The major response noted was an increase in respiratory frequency during exercise following ozone exposure. The increase in fR was closely correlated with the total dose of ozone (r = 0.98) and was accompanied by a decrease in tidal volume (r = 0.91) so that minute volume was unchanged. It is concluded that through its irritant properties, ozone modifies the normal ventilatory response to exercise, and that this effect is dose dependent.