An estimate of the amount of microtubule protein in the isolated mitotic apparatus

The microtubule content of the isolated mitotic apparatus of sea-urchin eggs (Arbacia punctulata has been investigated by electron microscopy. Cross-sections were made through asters or spindles of flat-embedded mitotic apparatuses of known mitotic stage and specific orientation in the block. Cross-sections between chromosomes and poles of five metaphase half-spindles revealed approximately 2000-2300 sectioned microtubules. The number was somewhat higher in three anaphase half-spindles examined, approximately 2400-2600. A method was devised for calculating the total number of microtubules in an aster, based upon the number of microtubules appearing in cross-sections. Application of this method to selected mitotic apparatuses enabled calculation of the total number of microtubules in metaphase mitotic apparatuses of average dimensions. Using a 13-protofilament model of the microtubule and existing data on possible monomer sizes and molecular weights, the total amount of microtubule protein in the isolated mitotic apparatus was calculated. The values obtained are in the range of about 1-2 x 10-8 mg microtubule protein per isolated mitotic apparatus. These values are close to those reported for the 4-5s protein of the isolated mitotic apparatus, but are considerably lower than the amount of 22s protein. The results are discussed with respect to cellular factors which determine microtubule number, and the possible sources and origin of mitotic microtubule protein.

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