Factors Associated with AIDS-Related Behavioral Intentions among High School Students in an AIDS Epicenter

Using data from a cross-sectional survey of 531 predominantly black and Hispanic 10th graders in two New York City schools, the explanatory power of predictors of intentions to engage in sexual intercourse, to have multiple intercourse partners, and to use condoms was compared. Theoretically derived predictor variables (i.e., susceptibility, severity, benefits, barriers, self-efficacy, values, norms) were derived from the health belief model, social cognitive theory, and a model of social influence. One half of sampled students definitely intended to have sexual intercourse in the next year, one tenth definitely intended to have multiple partners, and two thirds definitely intended to use condoms. In multivariate analyses, variables derived from the model of social influence and from social cognitive theory were most strongly associated with the three investigated behavioral intentions; however, certain background and health belief variables also contributed to the explained variance in intercourse and multiple partner intentions.