Effects of Fire Regime and Habitat on Tree Dynamics in North Florida Longleaf Pine Savannas

Frequent, low intensity fire was an important component of the natural disturbance regime of presettlement savannas and woodlands in the southeastern USA dominated by longleaf pine (Pinus palustris), and prescribed burning is now a critical part of the management of these endangered habitats. Fire season, fire frequency, and fire intensity are three potentially important, though still little understood, components of both natural and managed fire regimes. In this long—term (8—yr) study, we experimentally (through the use of prescribed burning) tested for effects of fire season (eight different times throughout the year) and fire frequency (annual vs. biennial burning), on population dynamics (recruitment, growth, mortality, change in density, and change in basal area [the total basal area of all stems in a plot]) and species composition of trees in two quite different types of longleaf—pine—dominated habitats (north Florida sandhills and flatwoods). Limited fire temperature and intensity data were also collected during one year to examine the relationship between fire behavior (temperature and intensity) and tree mortality. Contrary to prior hypotheses, our results showed few systematic or predictable effects of season or frequency of burning on dynamics of longleaf pine. Instead, variability in the population dynamics of this species appeared to be related largely to variation in fire behavior, regardless of the season of burning. Consistent with prior hypotheses, we found that deciduous oak species (Quercus laevis, Q. margaretta, and Q. incana) were least vulnerable to dormant—season burning and most vulnerable to burning early in the growing season. This was shown particularly by seasonal trends in the effect of burning on oak mortality (both topkill and complete kill) and, to a lesser extent, on oak recruitment. Oak densities and basal areas also declined in the spring—burned plots, resulting in a shift away from oaks and towards increased dominance by longleaf pine. Detrimental effects of spring burning on oaks were partly explained by fire behavior, but there appeared also to be an important residual effect of burning season, particularly on complete kill. Though longleaf pine population dynamics did not differ markedly as a result of burning season and frequency, we did find important differences in pine dynamics between the two habitats (i.e., sandhills and flatwoods). In general, populations of longleaf pines in the sandhills appeared to be density regulated, while flatwoods pine populations were declining regardless of the level of intraspecific competition. This suggests that long—term persistence of longleaf pine, and perhaps other fire—adapted species in frequently burned longleaf—pine—dominated communities, may be determined by complex interactions between habitat factors and fire regimes.

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