Fluorescence studies of multiple-photon ionization processes: Four- and five-photon ionization of Sr at wavelengths of 558–590 nm

An ‘‘all-optical’’ technique is presented for the study of multiphoton-ionization processes, based on fluorescence detection of the ions which are produced. A vapor is utilized in a moderate-density regime (∼10111015 cm3) such that collisional effects are negligible. The technique is applied to multiple-photon ionization of Sr in the wavelength range of 558590 nm at laser intensities ∼1–50 GW/cm2. Fine-structure-resolved emission of the Sr+ (5p2 P3/2/,1/d0) ions which are formed is observed at λ=407.8 and 421.5 nm, following either four- or five-photon absorption. No emission is observed from higher ionic states, with a detection sensitivity ∼1:103 with respect to the ionic-resonance emission.

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