Retinal Projections and Retinal Ganglion Cell Distribution Patterns in a Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus), a Non-Teleost Actinopterygian Fish

Retinal projections in a sturgeon were studied by injecting biocytin or HRP into the optic nerve. The target areas are the preoptic area, thalamus, area pretectalis, nucleus of posterior commissure, optic tectum, and nuclei of the accessory optic tract. Furthermore, a few labeled fibers and terminals were found in a ventrolateral area of the caudal telencephalon. All retinal projections are bilateral, although contralateral projections were more heavily labeled. Retrogradely labeled neurons were found in the ventral thalamus bilaterally. Retinal projections in sturgeons are similar to those of other non-teleost actinopterygians and chondrichthyans (sharks), in terms of the targets and extent of bilateral projections. Distribution patterns of ganglion cells in the retina were examined in Nissl-stained retinal whole mount preparations. The highest density areas were found in the temporal and nasal retinas, and a dense band of ganglion cells was observed along the horizontal axis between the nasal and temporal areas of highest density. The density of ganglion cells in the dorsal retina is the lowest. The total number of ganglion cells was estimated to be about 5 x 10(4) in a retina. The existence of a low density area in the dorsal retina suggests reduced visual acuity in the ventral visual field.