Intracavitary cardiac neoplasms. A review of fifteen cases.

Space-occupying neoplasms of cardiac chambers, either primary or metastatic, may give rise to clinical signs and symptoms nearly indistinguishable from those of other forms of cardiac disease, particularly valvular and myocardial. Fiftee cases of tumors involving the cavities of the heart with pathological confirmation were studied. Two were examples of primary malignant cardiac tumors, 1 arising in the left atrium, the other in the right ventricle. Each of the 9 examples of primary benign tumors was a myxoma: 8 involved the left atrium, and 1 the right atrium. Four cases of metastatic tumor to the cardiac cavities were observed. One was an example of a bronchogenic carcinoma with secondary involvement of both atria. The second was an example of metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma which had originated in the abdominal paravertebral muscles and extended from a metastatic focus in the lung through a pulmonary vein to occupy space in the left at rial cavity. The 3rd case was that of a malignant myeloma in which both atria were involved but in which the obstructive effects were manifested in the right atrium. The final case was represented by 2 metastatic lesions from carcinoma of the breast; 1 comprised the lumen of the right atrium, and the 2nd mass protruded from the right ventricular wall into the cavity of the right ventricle.

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