Ionic hydration

In applying the general theory of intermolecular forces to the complicated problem of ionic solvation, the minimum requirements are an exact knowledge of (1) the force laws governing the interaction of two isolated solvent molecules as a function of their separation and the various angles of mutual inclination, (2) the force laws governing the interaction of an ion with one solvent molecule, also as a function of their distance apart and of their mutual inclinations, (3) the average disposition of solvent molecules in the pure liquid and (4) the disposition of the solvent molecules in the force field of the ion, particularly in its immediate vicinity. None of these theoretical requirements is available for systems of practical interest. The established laws of intermolecular force are those relating to spherically symmetrical fields, applied to gases (J. E. Lennard-Jones; see (1)), in which the molecular arrangements are random, and to crystals (M. Born (2)), in which the arrangements are orderly. In seeking to extend these laws to liquids and solutions, we are hampered at the start by our ignorance of directional forces in general and of the degree of disorder prevailing in condensed fluid systems. What is attempted here is a simplification of the problem of applying intermolecular force theory to ionic hydration by the introduction of assumptions which can claim some experimental warrant. How far the introduction of these assumptions may swamp other factors must remain an open question. At any rate, the attempt removes many anomalies, and allows of the absolute calculation of ionic dimensions in aqueous solution from intermolecular force constants determined without reference to the condensed states of matter.