The Use of Urea in Rations for Dairy Cows under Hawaiian Conditions

A series of 4 double change-over urea-feeding trials involving 26 cows in 86 cow-periods is descr. The rations included pineapple bran or pulp, 25% cane molasses, and usually less than 2% ether extract. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Under Hawaiian conditions the dairy cow is able to utilize N from urea in the production of milk, but not as efficiently as the N derived entirely from plant sources. (2) Less milk was obtained when urea was fed whether the daily intake was 0.48 lb. or 0.24 lb. These amts. provided 36% and 19%, respectively, of the total crude protein equivalent intake. (3) The feeding of cane molasses in amts. to make up 25% of the concentrate mixture had no detrimental effect upon the synthesis of protein from urea in the rumen.