Field Dependence of Anisotropy in Ytterbium-Doped Yttrium Iron Garnet

Torque curves were measured on two single crystals of Yb‐doped yttrium iron garnet (containing 5% or 10% Yb) at temperatures from 77° to 4.2°K in applied fields ranging from 2500 to 15 000 Oe. At 20°K the maximum peak height of the (110) torque curve for these crystals was reduced by 12% as the applied field increased from 5000 to 15 000 Oe; the change in peak height was proportional to H and is approximately given by the relation ΔL=−0.32 ΔH, where ΔL is measured in ergs/cm3 and H is in oersteds. This field dependence was more pronounced at 14°K but had disappeared at 4.2° and 77°K. We consider the anisotropy energy of the system using the one ion model, and represent the energy of the Yb ground‐state doublet (assumed to be well separated from other states) by a spin Hamiltonian of the form H=He·G·S+Ha·g·S, where He·G is the exchange splitting, and Ha is the applied field and g is the usual paramagnetic tensor for this doublet level with S=½, as given by K. A. Wickersheim and R. L. White [Phys. Rev. Letters 8, 483 (1962)]. The temperature variation of the free energy of the system derived from this Hamiltonian was used to compute (110) torque curves as a function of temperature, applied field and concentration of ytterbium. These theoretical curves were then compared with the experimental results, and gave good agreement for the predicted value of ΔLH at the maximum torque peaks, though as had been previously noted [J. W. Henderson and R. L. White, Phys. Rev. 123, 1627 (1961)] the absolute values of the torque are lower than those found experimentally.

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