Plasma melatonin levels of laboratory rats were elevated both during acute heat exposure (43°C for 40 min) and chronic exposure (33°C for 17 days) suggesting a possible correlation between melatonin and thermoregulatory mechanisms. Pinealectomy reduced the nighttime elevation in oxygen consumption and evaporative water loss. In addition, pinealectomized animals exhibited a significantly lower cutaneous evaporative water loss both at night and during the day when exposed to an acute heat exposure of 38°C for 45 min. Pinealectomy elevated the blood pressure over the control group whereas melatonin infusion depressed the blood pressure without altering the cardiac output. This relationship implies an action by melatonin on the peripheral vasculature. In support of this conclusion, melatonin pretreatment tended to dampen the vasopressive effect of infused norepinephrine. These data, therefore, suggest a role of the pineal gland and melatonin in thermoregulation through an influence on the cardiovascular system and evaporative water loss.