The application of rotating- and dipolar-frame proton-relaxation measurements for the determination of fast quadrupolar relaxation rates of nonresonant spins S, the signals of which are too weak to be measured by the conventional NMR technique, is discussed. Both the case where the proton-S cross-relaxation rate is fast as compared to the S-spin-lattice relaxation rate and the case where it is slow are treated. The method is applied to Ag2 H3IO6 and (NH4)2 H3IO6. The T dependence of the I127 quadrupolar spin-lattice relaxation rates is extracted from the T dependence of the proton dipolar- and rotating-frame spin-lattice relaxation times. The iodine-spin-lattice relaxation times are found to be very short and seem to be controlled by electric-field-gradient (EFG) fluctuations due to the motion of protons between the two equilibrium sites in the O-H—O bonds. Using the known values of the static I127 EFG tensor, the O-H—O proton intrabond jump time τ was found to be of the order of 1010 sec at room temperature, i.e., of the same order as in KH2PO4-type ferroelectrics.