The influence of the fungicide benomyl on sporocarp development and yield of various commercial strains of the cultivated mushroom, Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach, was investigated in disease-free cultural conditions. Horse manure compost and mineral casing soil were used for mushroom production. Benomyl, as a wettable powder formulation containing 50% active ingredient, was applied at the rate of 0.568 dm3of spray solution per 0.93 m2of tray surface. Concentrations of 0.45, 0.91, 1.36, and 4.54 kg per 3.8 hliters of spray were tested; application times and intervals varied. Treatment combinations included applications after casing, after mushrooms were initially harvested, and periodic applications for as long as 7 weeks after initial harvest. Benomyl 50% wp at 0.45 or 0.91 kg per 3.8 hliters in all combinations tested did not reduce yield of any strains evaluated. With strain 310 a consistent trend of yield increase was noted at the three dosages below 4.54 kg per 3.8 hliters in most experiments. A consistent yield decrease and delay of sporocarp initiation occurred with all strains except 324 at a dosage of 4.54 kg per 3.8 hliters.