Cultures of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that are heterozygous for the mating type (MATa/MAT alpha) undergo synchronous meiosis and spore formation when starved for nitrogen and supplied with a nonfermentable carbon source such as acetate. Haploid and homozygous MAT alpha/MAT alpha and MATa/MATa diploid cells incubated under the same conditions fail to undergo meiosis and are asporogenous. It has not yet been firmly established that gene expression during sporulation is controlled at the level of transcript accumulation. To examine this question, we used cloned genes that encode a variety of "housekeeping" functions to probe Northern blots to assay the appearance of specific transcripts in both sporulating and asporogenous S. cerevisiae. In sporulating cells, each transcript showed a characteristic pattern of accumulation, reaching a maximum relative abundance at one of several different periods. In contrast, in both asporogenous haploid MATa and diploid MAT alpha/MAT alpha cells, all transcripts accumulated with similar kinetics. These results suggest a sporulation-specific pattern for transcript appearance. During these studies, high levels of several different transcripts were observed at unexpected times in sporulating cells. Histone (H)2A and (H)2B1 transcripts, although most abundant during premeiotic DNA synthesis, remained at one-third to one-half maximal levels after its end and were found in mature ascospores. Their appearance at this time is in sharp contrast to vegetative cells in which these histone transcripts are only found just before and during the period of DNA synthesis. Furthermore, transcripts from GAL10 and CDC10 genes, which are believed to be dispensable for sporulation, were much more abundant in sporulating cells than in asporogenous cells and vegetative cells grown on glucose or acetate. The presence of these transcripts did not appear to be due to a general activation of transcription because each accumulated with different kinetics. In addition, the transcript for at least one gene, HO, that is also dispensable for sporulation was not detected. The increased abundance of transcripts from some genes not required for sporulation leads us to propose that genes preferentially expressed during sporulation need not be essential for this differentiation.