The sigmoidal isotherms of 7 very different soils obtained by an isopiestic method employing a vacuum desiccator, are analysed by the methods of Brunauer Emmett and Teller, Harkins and Jura (relative method) and Bradley (non-polar adsorbate theory). The B.E.T. and H. J. theories explain extent of adsorption from about .05 to .3 relative pressure whereas the Bradley theory holds up to .9. The parameters for these theories have been computed. Specific surface areas by the B.E.T. and H. J. methods are in good agreement. From a combination of these methods the areas available per water molecule on the surfaces are from 10.1 - 10.8 A 2. Three semi-empirical adsorption equations are-derived, each of which predicts specific surface areas from a single adsorption point on the isotherm. The application of these equations to proteins are in good agreement with the isotherms obtained by Bull at 25[degree].

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