A method was developed to test for the ability of Escherichia coli to adhere to isolated intestinal epithelial cells. Of the E. coli tested, those having either K88ac or K88ab antigens adhered to the cells, and those which did not have these antigens did not. Since some enteropathogenic E. coli did not have the ability to adhere, it is assumed that adherence is not an essential factor of pathogenesis but rather should be considered an enhancement to the pathogenicity of some E. coli. None of the E. coli enteropathogens of cattle tested adhered to either pig or cattle cells. Similarly, human strains did not adhere to pig cells. Although the test system may not have been ideal for human or bovine E. coli, the results reported here suggest that adhesiveness is a property limited to porcine enteropathogenic E. coli carrying one of the K88 antigens. Adhesiveness is associated with the K88c or K88b antigens, and their adhesive ability is only neutralizable by the homologous antisera.