A Resource Letter on Physical Eschatology

This Resource Letter treats the nascent discipline of physical eschatology, which deals with the future evolution of astrophysical objects, including the universe itself, and is thus both a counterpart and a complement to conventional cosmology. While sporadic interest in these topics has flared up from time to time during the entire history of humanity, a truly physical treatment of these issues has only become possible during the last quarter century. This Resource Letter deals with these recent developments. It offers a starting point for understanding what the physical sciences might say about the future of our universe and its constituents. Journal articles, books, and web sites are provided for the following topics: history and epistemology of physical eschatology, the future of the Solar system, the future of stars and stellar systems, the global future of the universe, information processing and intelligent communities, as well as some side issues, like the possible vacuum phase transition and the so-called Doomsday Argument.

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